Flash Forward

I do a lot of trash talking about superhero projects that don’t need to happen. I’m on the record as being against just about anything that isn’t in line with one of the major superhero figures of pop culture. Ok, sure sometimes using minor, irrelevant superhero characters can work out, like things did with Blade, but most of the time what you’re going to get is disinterested movie goers and a film about on part with Daredevil. The Flash is not a minor superhero character.

Ok, maybe he’s not quite on the pop culture level of Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, or even the X-Men, but he’s close. The Flash fits nicely in the next group of recognizable comic book figures like Wonder Woman. Characters we all know, characters who’ve even had TV shows with kick ass musical scores and murals painted everywhere. The Flash is legit, and I’m all for giving him his own movie.

Well, David Goyer is going to give it a spin. According to Variety, a film version of The Flash is Goyer’s next project. Granted, he really blew it with Blade: Trinity, but the guy is still a damn fine writer. By all accounts his Batman script was first rate, and his work on the first two Blade films managed to take an unheard of, ignored comic character and turn him into a kickass on screen legend. Goyer took a misstep, but as a writer, the guy still has something.

Can he make something decent out of the Flash? We’ll see. It’ll be tough just got get the special effects right. I think perhaps The Incredibles may have given them some clue how to do that, hopefully they take a few lessons from what they did with Dash. Also it might help to come up with a villain whose super-power isn’t the use of a spray painted Nintendo Power Glove. Whatever he does with it, Flash opens up some nice storytelling opportunities that haven’t already been explored with all the other superhero properties out there. I’m eager to see where Goyer will take it.

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