Forest Whitaker Repossessed

James l. Farmer Sr (Forest Whitaker) conversing in The Great Debaters
(Image credit: MGM)

Visual effects artist turned first time director Miguel Sapochnik has landed Forest Whitaker and Jude Law to star in his new futuristic adventure thriller. I guess Oscar wins just aren’t worth what they used to be.

The movie is called Repossession Mambo, the story of a repo man who undergoes a series of transplants until he’s “made up of artificial organs”. After getting heart transplant, he can’t afford to keep making the payments on his man-made parts and ends up on the run from his former partner. See, it’s ironic because he was a repo man, and now he’s being repossessed.

The plot sounds half-baked to me. I assume they’re intending it as some sort of futuristic commentary on the modern state of the healthcare industry. Either that or it’s just another dumb action movie. Neither sounds very interesting, but here’s something that is: What the heck happened to Jude Law?

Two years ago Jude Law was on his way to becoming one of the biggest stars on the planet. Now he gets second billing next to thief #2 from Panic Room. Sky Captain was apparently, a huge mistake.

Josh Tyler