Ghost Rider 2 Happening Without Nic Cage?

Nicolas Cage in Ghost Rider
(Image credit: Sony Pictures Releasing)

We’ve been hearing about a possible sequel to Ghost Rider for a couple of years now. It hasn’t seemed like anyone was in much of a rush. And why should they be? The original 2007 Nic Cage movie barely earned more than $100 million here in the United States. It’s not like people are clamoring for another one. But if Sony doesn’t do something with the Ghost Rider franchise by November 14th, then the rights revert back to Disney owned Marvel, their competitors. So all of the sudden Vulture says Sony is hot to get Ghost Rider 2 done. In fact they’re in such a rush, that they may do it without Nicholas Cage.

Cage has talked before about his willingness to do another Ghost Rider, the guy’s a comic book nerd after all, but now that Sony needs it fast he may not be able to fit it into his schedule. In short, they may have missed their Nic Cage window.

Now though they have a Ghost Rider 2 script turned in by the guys behind TV’s FlashForward, Scott Gimple and Seth Hoffman, and they’re motivated to move forward. They have to make the movie now, whether or not Cage is involved. That could lead them to start looking for a replacement.

Are audiences interested in seeing Ghost Rider without Cage? They were barely interested in seeing it with him, it’s hard to imagine a Nic Cageless sequel grabbing anyone’s attention.

Josh Tyler