Are Giant Snakes A Match For Hasselhoff?

David Hasselhoff on Baywatch Nights
(Image credit: The Baywatch Company)

I don’t think there’s anyone out there who doesn’t see Anaconda as the grossly ridiculous film it is. It’s not a fantastic film, but it can be a fun one, although how it got a sequel is beyond me. Now it’s getting two more, and there’s only one reason anyone should be interested: David Hasselhoff.

That’s right, the former Knight Rider is getting ready to do battle with giant, horribly computer-rendered snakes in Anaconda 3: The Offspring and an untitled fourth film. Hasselhoff will play a mercenary hired by a billionaire to catch a deadly snake – my guess is it’s probably one of the giant snakes that give the movie series its name. The two movies will film back-to-back according to Moviehole and will also feature John Rhys Davies (Gimli from Lord of the Rings), Crystal Allen, and Zoltan Butuc. Don E. FauntLeRoy (Stan Lee’s Lightspeed) will direct.

Clearly, Hasselhoff has to be the appeal here. There can’t be any other reason to create two more Anaconda movies other than to exploit the former Baywatch star. Maybe fans will get really lucky and Hasselhoff will provide part of the soundtrack while he’s at it. I mean, what else is he going to do. The movie’s are filming in Romania… or is that one of the seven countries where Hasselhoff is God to the local populace?