New Godzilla Poster Urges You To 'Demand To Know'

What secrets are being hidden in the new Godzilla? We're a month and a half away from the film's release, and fans know very little about the monster mash other than what we've seen in the trailers. Fortunately, the marketing department has been quietly building a mystery in regards to the film, it's relationship to earlier Godzilla movies, and the plot centering on a conspiracy to keep quiet exactly what this beast is, and the sounds he might actually be making. And now, we've got a new poster.


A bit oblique, I guess, but it certainly creates a bit of intrigue around one of the most famous movie monsters of all time. The title font coming out of his spikes is certainly inspired, and the chiaroscuro color scheme suggests this is a photo we weren't meant to see. Surely the people will be battling against the beast themselves, but this poster, one in a collection of pretty cool ones, also suggests along with victims and attackers against the fiendish monster, there is a third faction of people who want the truth about Godzilla to circulate.

And what is this truth, you might say? The hashtag #demandtoknow is pretty great as far as social movement goes, and a little less-so when you reveal it's actually tied to a mega-blockbuster by a massive corporate conglomerate. But whatever, it's a good, immediate hook for the casual audience: what should we demand to know about Godzilla? What is it about Japan's most beloved fire-breather that is being hidden from the general public? And when you share the image with the hashtag on Twitter or Facebook, apparently it unlocks some sort of code, one that might lead to another trailer, new photos, or maybe even advance screenings. What happens when we share this information, Warner Bros? WE DEMAND TO KNOW. #demandtoknow

Update: Our good friends at GiantFreakinRobot tipped us off to a few viral-ish images from Godzilla that have leaked thanks to social-media driven site, MutoResearch. Check them out below!

Godzilla 1

Godzilla 2

Godzilla 3

Godzilla is slated for release on May 16th, a week before Fox's X-Men: Days Of Future Past and two weeks after The Amazing Spider-Man 2. In other words, the famous beast better hope this hashtag unlocks some box office steroids if the film is going to appeal to audiences more than those superhero epics. Check out the trailer below, and refresh yourself with what might be the summer's scariest movie.