Hartnett On Wall Street Before 9/11

Danny Walker (Josh Hartnett) talks to Evelyn Johnson (Kate Beckinsale) in Pearl Harbor
(Image credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution)

Everyone’s favorite square-jawed pretty boy is planning to take a role in another snoozer. Black Dalhia’s Josh Hartnett has signed on to play opposite Naomie Harris in August. Austin Chick is contracted to direct the drama that follows two brothers trying to keep their Wall Street company afloat the days before 9/11, reports Moviehole .

Smells like another stinker from Takedown (a.k.a. Hackers 2) author Howard A.Rodman. What do you do when you have lame story? Connect it to a tragic national event. That way, no one can criticize you because if they do, they are obviously enemies of the state. Old Howie Rodman ain’t no spring chicken. Harnett’s screen brother has not yet been cast and there is no news as to Harris’ role in the film.