Indy Heads To Paradise

Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(Image credit: Paramount Pictures)

The Hawaii Film Commissioner announced that a movie called The Untitled Genre Project is going to be shooting scenes in his beautiful state for about three weeks. The Film Commissioner himself, Donne Dawson, noted that it would probably generate a little more excitement if the movie used its more commonly known name, Indiana Jones IV, when making these announcements, but you can’t always get what you want. Director Steven Spielberg has dragged Harrison Ford and other unidentified cast members to the Big Island to shoot scenes for his $125 million action picture.

The Hollywood Reporter says the Big Island is the third stop on the Indy production train. Filming started in New Mexico and then moved to Connecticut. It seems clear that the Hawaii shooting location means that Indy will either go to Hawaii in the movie or will go to a place that Hawaii sort of looks like. Some sort of jungleish location with trees and so forth. The crew is reportedly shooting near a waterfall and also at some dense, secluded spots.

There is no word if Shia LeBeouf, Cate Blanchet, Jim Broadbent, John Hurt or Ray Winstone made the trip out with surfboard and sunscreen in hand. This is the second Indy movie to film in Hawaii. Raiders of the Lost Ark also had Hawaii stand in for some jungle locations. Spielberg also brought all of his Jurassic Park movies there, including the one good one.