Iron Man 2 Casting Details

Robert Downey Jr in the desert in Iron Man
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

Iron Man 2 is getting closer to production. In fact they may be so far along that they’ve started casting. SpoilerTV claims to have casting sides for Iron Man 2, the sheet being sent out for the studio looking to fill new parts in the movie.

Assuming these casting sides are the real deal, these are the new parts Marvel is casting for the film:

Male Lead: 30s, Eastern European, brilliant, gritty...

Female Lead: 20s, beautiful, speaks several languages fluently and is equally proficient in martial arts...

Bruiser: Russian, 20s or 30s, at least 6'2", able to perform own stunts, has the build of a MMA fighter...

They also list a start date for the sequel. If this is correct, Iron Man 2 starts principal photography this coming April.

Josh Tyler