Isla Fisher Joins The Girl Scouts

Isla Fisher in Wedding Crashers
(Image credit: New Line Cinema)

Isla Fisher is about to become The Cookie Queen. Universal has picked up a comedy by that name which she’s attached to star in. It’s about all-time girl scout cookie sales record holder Claire “Cookie” Taylor (Fisher) who learns that a precocious fifth grader is about the break her 20-year-record. Top protect her title, Claire sets out to sabotage the little girl.

Anyone else think this is sort of beneath Isla Fisher? This sounds like the kind of role you’d give to Amy Poehler. Actually, it sounds like a good idea for an SNL sketch, not so much for a movie. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe the script is brilliant. I’m just not blown away by the concept.

Fisher was last seen in the year’s best movie (and also it’s most unfairly overlooked), The Lookout, opposite the new Marlon Brando Joseph Gordon-Levitt. With the failure of The Lookout it seems like Fisher is going back to wacky comedies. This summer she’s in one with Andy Sandberg called Hot Rod, she’s just finished one with Adam Brooks called Definintely, Maybe, and she’s supposed to be in something called Groupies. I guess her short career as a dramatic actress is over. Bummer. I blame all the time she’s spent hanging out with her boyfriend Sacha Baron Cohen. He’s ruining her. The thought of Borat with his hands on her gives me dry-heaves.

Josh Tyler