Jericho Could Take Its Story To The Big Screen

Jake Green (Skeet Ulrich) is surprised on Jericho
(Image credit: CBS)

We are rapidly living in a world where a failed television show doesn’t necessarily mean a failed franchise. To some degree, it’s been that way for a while for some shows. After all, Star Trek barely got three seasons on television, but lived on for long enough through movies to find more success, eventually spawning additional series. Firefly’s big screen debut may not have been the hit the Browncoats were hoping for, but it was still an excellent chapter in Joss Whedon’s story. Even sitcoms are getting into the act, with that long rumored Arrested Development movie in the works again.

Another hour-long drama may join the ranks of the failed show to movie conversion, at least if the creators have their way. Writer/Producer Dan Shotz recently told the press he was interested in seeing Jericho find an extended life in a feature film, Sci-Fi Wire reports.

The show took place in a small mid-west town, following events after a possible nuclear holocaust takes place, isolating the town and testing the limits of a civilized community when the rest of civilization disappears. The series was cancelled by CBS at the end of its first season but then revived for a short seven episode second season after a rabid fan campaign that involved sending CBS executives’ packages of peanuts.

”We've ... been developing a feature to hopefully make, because we would love to.” Shotz said. ”I mean, ... Jericho is so built in a way, ... especially where we left off season two, to create a feature.”

Until that feature gets the green light, the story of Jericho will continue in comic book form. Much like Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, Shotz’s Jericho will carry on the story that would have taken place during its next season in comic book form.