Jessica Alba Lays Down The Law In The First Machete Poster
I’m excited about Machete in a way that’s almost impossible to explain to anyone who doesn’t rate Planet Terror as one of their favorite zombie movies. Scratch that, most of you haven’t even seen Planet Terror, judging from the scant handful of people who showed up for the greatness of Grindhouse. I have a feeling that Robert Rodriguez’s Machete will fare better.
It doesn’t hurt that it stars, among others, Jessica Alba. In fact Alba, as Sartana, is the first Machete character to get a real teaser poster. You’d think the first one would have been of Machete, but once you look at tight-jeans, white tank top Alba ready to lay down the law, you’ll be glad she went first.
Click the poster below to see the a bigger, full version where it originated, over at CS.
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