Joker's April Fools Treasure Hunt Completed

Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight
(Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures)

People with too much time on their hands have spent the better part of today globe trotting trying to solve the mystery presented by the latest Dark Knight viral site here. Earlier in the day clicking an envelope on the site lead to a series of addresses which Bat-fans across the planet have been tracking down, though the site now redirect to a travel site. But fans were on the ball and now we seem to have answers.

At each address they’ve found special packages placed by the Joker in major cities. Packages were found in places like London, Hong Kong, Paris, Sao Paulo, and of course a lot of different places in the good old US of America. The bags at each location contain a brightly colored bowling ball with a phone number scratched into it. There’s a sample picture of one of the bags there to your right. Empire has even more of them.

According to the guys at Cinematical, if you call the number you’ll told “We know who you are.” That’s where this thing ends. The site shows that all the packages have been picked up. Why did you folks go through all this trouble again? The few who managed to get to the bags first got a bowling ball out of it, but otherwise that seems to be it. Meanwhile you can get an even more entertaining phone call by simply going to the new site redirects you to here and entering your phone number. No mad scramble to find a pastel bowling ball necessary.

I wonder if in the rush to track down this… whatever it is… someone has managed to confirm that this is actually a Batman promotion? The domain name’s ownership is hidden, I mean couldn’t this all be some awful Coke Zero marketing campaign or something? What if millions of people are handing their contact information over to a massive, multimedia spam conglomerate? Now that sounds like fun to me, as long as I’m not participating. Enjoy your newly enlarged penis’s batfans!

Josh Tyler