The Joker Spotted

Jack Nicholson smiling as The Joker
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Nothing rattles a fanboy’s cage more like some out-of-focus, barely-lit shots of the latest comic book movie set taken from a couple miles away. A single photo can divide fans and send them flaming to the forums. The latest photo from the in-development world is the Joker on the set of The Dark Knight, courtesy of The Dark Knight – Unofficial Movie Blog.

In the shot, you can see Heath Ledger decked out in full Joker make up and costume. I mean, you can see at least one side of Heath Ledger decked out as the Joker. Of course, the shot is blurry, the colors aren’t nearly accurate and the zoom-in photo is even worse. Given director Christopher Nolan’s style and visual flare, this picture is a lame example of what we’ll see in the film, but squabble amongst yourselves if you must.

To add fuel to the fire, there is also an included video that features the “Joker Truck.” It looks like a paddy wagon and semi-truck in reverse to me.