Joker Treats Visitors And Tricks Comic Con Attendees

Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Knight
(Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures)

Remember yesterday when we told you about the new viral site that had turned up online, where the Joker was trying to build up his forces? Remember that crappy version of The Dark Knight trailer that we pointed you to that was taken down so we found another version for? Well, now both of those come together in one awesome combination.

Head over to the Joker’s site, where he’s announced the winner from his little project earlier today. Don’t worry it wasn’t you. By the word “Handed” there’s a tiny little glittering spot. Click on that and voila! There’s the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight.

Who says it doesn’t pay to stay home from Comic Con. Apparently even though the trailer made its way to theaters today attached to The Simpsons Movie, the Comic Con attendees didn’t even get to see it. Poor them.

While we’re talking The Dark Knight, JoBlo has gotten their hands on a great Joker picture, also featuring the lovely Maggie Gyllenhall as Rachel Dawes. Check it out!