Julie & Julia Author Sees Her Own Movie

Meryl Streep cooking in the kitchen and holding a whisk in Julie & Julia.
(Image credit: Sony)

Usually when a famous person plays you in a movie about your life, you are also famous-- like George W. Bush for example, or Erin Brockovich. But Julie Powell, despite her best-selling memoir Julie & Julia isn't exactly famous, which made the experience of seeing Amy Adams play her in the movie version of her book surreal, to say the least.

"And I'm still sort of reeling from the surreality of it all," Powell wrote on her blog, after attending one of the earliest screenings of Julie & Julia. "Somehow seeing yourself - or a Rom-Com-ed, slimmed-down, considerably less foul-mouthed version of yourself - on a movie screen is a whole different thing."

She didn't have much to say about the actual movie itself, other than that Meryl Streep is great as Julia Child, as is Stanley Tucci as her husband Paul-- as Powell herself points out, "but, really, was there a doubt?" And of course Powell is going to be supportive of a movie that's bound to make her a lot of money, regardless of how badly director Nora Ephron may or may not have screwed it up. So really, Julie Powell has told us nothing-- but yeah, I guess we can agree that seeing Amy Adams play you is probably pretty weird.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend