Keanu Is Officially A Cowboy

Keanu Reeves as John Constantine in 2005 film
(Image credit: Warner Bros Pictures)

Keanu Reeves has been talking up his planned adaptation of the Japanese anime Cowboy Bebop since last summer. Who knew we were actually supposed to believe he has the pull to get his obscure passion projects made? Variety has made all the rumors official, announcing that Reeves will star in the live-action adaptation.

Reeves will play Spike Spiegel, a bounty hunter living in the year 2071 and traveling through space as part of a gang of bounty hunters. Series writer Keiko Nobumoto and producer Masahiko Minami will be part of the production, but Peter Craig, a screenwriter with pretty much no high-profile credits to his name, will take care of writing the screenplay.

I know literally nothing about Cowboy Bebop other than a poster my friend Nicole used to have on her wall in college, and I would call her for details but she's definitely asleep. So I'll have to leave it to you fine folks to tell me in the comments what I'm missing out on, and why, after The Day the Earth Stood Still, I should have anything to do with another movie that involves Keanu Reeves and outer space.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend