Knocked Up Trailer

Knocked Up looks to be the funniest movie of the year. Every review, every scene description, every out of context line, has just made it seem funnier and funnier. It's to the point that I have done a complete 180 from “Meh” to actually being rabid to see the film.

The first trailer for the film is here, and has kicked that up somewhere beyond rabid. It uses the one cool scene approach so popular of late, and it looks funny. Now warning: this is billed as the “international trailer” but I doubt that this will go out uncensored even in that format. This is definitely not work safe. F bombs and graphic language abound.


UPDATE! Since posting the hilarious international trailer earlier today, Universal Pictures went ahead and blew out all their domestic trailers for the film as well. They've released two of them. One, a theatrical version. The other, an internet only Red Band trailer. Watch them all and laugh your ass off by clicking here