Kong Happens

Peter Jackson is all set to start filming his next project, and word is he gets rolling on King Kong this September. In fact, he may even be filming right now. Can you feel it? Warm up the helicopters, PJ’s gonna need some wide shots.

Much of the original Lord of the Rings crew is back on board for this film, with Jackson re-teaming with Phillipa Boyens and Fran Walsh to co-write the screenplay based directly on the original story written by Merian C. Cooper and Edgar Wallace which was also the basis for Peter Jackson’s favorite film, the 1933 King Kong movie. Also back on the team is the entire country of New Zealand, to which Jackson will haul in an entirely new group of actors including Naomi Watts, Jack Black, and Adrien Brody as well as old faces like Andy Serkis in the monkey suit. Well, maybe not a monkey suit, but another great looking unitard which will be digitally replaced by a really big CGI monkey.

Blend News Network

Koko blames loss of job on Andy Serkis in The CB Forum.

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