Kubrick Back At Large

A scene from Stanley Kubrick's Fear and Desire
(Image credit: Joseph Burstyn)

Stanley Kubrick may be about to rise from the grave. He's been dead and in the box since 1999, but it's taken till now for Stanley's son-in-law Philip Hobbs to get through all of his paperwork. Apparently the computer just hadn't quite caught on in the Kubrick house. If it had, it probably would have just called everyone "Dave" and tried to kill them anyway.

While rooting through the venerable director's stuff, Hobbs has come across a film treatment for something called Lunatic at Large, a script commissioned by Kubrick in the 50's from pulp novelist Jim Thompson.

Big deal right? If you're like me, you imagine Kubrick's den as a treasure trove of used cocktail napkins with movie ideas scribbled all over them along with drawings of giant, plaster penises. What's crazy is that The New York Times says Hobbs is now trying to turn the unmade script into a movie.

Hobbs claims that he remembers Stanley talking about the script while he was still alive. "He was always saying he wished he knew where it was, because it was such a great idea."

So just what is Kubrick's great unfilmed idea? They're describing it as a dark mystery, a movie about puzzling out who of several possible candidates is actually an escaped mental patient. Kind of like "To Tell the Truth", with a straightjacket.

The script has now been finished up by writer Stephen R. Clarke, and commercial director Chris Palmer has been hired to helm it.

Josh Tyler