Theforce.net reports a story that truly warms my midi-chlorians. Earlier today I poked fun at nerds who go Larping in Avatar gear. I prefer my nerding old school. Old school like this... a gigantic light saber fight inside a mall.
On Feburary 13th, 2010 a flash mob of Star Wars fans invaded Cabot Circus, a shopping mall in Bristol, England. The devoted fans utilized Facebook to establish a time and meeting place for a random Lightsaber battle to erupt. At the appointed time, they whipped out lightsabers and battled.
A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time and then quickly disperse. In this case the event was not sanctioned by the mall, but was pretty well organized. Who wouldn't want to duel with a Lightsaber next to a Sunglass Hut and an Auntie Anne’s pretzel stand? Watch the video:
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