Lust Gets Trailer And Caution Gets Poster

the stars of lust caution
(Image credit: Focus Features)

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Ang Lee. The Crouching Tiger director vanished for a while after Brokeback Mountain made all its noise; not uncommon behavior for Academy nominated filmmakers. I think they feel like their next picture has to live up to the hype of an Academy nomination, or something like that. As much as I’d like to say that’s false, if the alternative is Snow Dogs I’d rather see the quality filmmakers take breaks.

Lee is returning to theaters this year with Se jie, translated as Lust, Caution. We’ve kind of gotten our first look at the film all in one shot. The poster came in to us today and, at the same time we were made aware the first trailer for the movie is up on YouTube.

The movie looks like a kind of espionage picture, but more about seduction than the typical spy game – as the plot description we were given describes it, “emotional intrigue”. Very interesting.

If this is Lee’s attempt to make the Academy proud, he may very well have done it. Take a look; what do you think?: