Marvel Wakes Up And Offers Iron Man 2 To Favreau?
It’s funny the way the internet community gets rolling on something, and then sometimes rolls right over the facts in the haste to toot its own horn. You’ve probably heard the stories going around about the way Jon Favreau is being treated by Marvel Studios. If you haven’t, basically the word has been that they aren’t even talking to him about Iron Man 2, and may not even want him.
Over the past week just about everyone has chimed in with their opinion, and everyone claims super secret, highly placed sources which have given them the inside track. The latest to do so is Nikki Finke who posted today about her super secret absolutely correct sources. She dismisses everything anyone else has said as just “rumor” and then says, “I learned this morning that Marvel Studios boss David Maisel very recently put out an offer to Jon Favreau to direct the sequel.” Well that’s nice Nikki, except a lot of those rumors came directly from Jon Favreau. Are you calling him a liar?
Assuming Nikki’s correct, it sounds like what’s really happened is that the internet backlash over the absolutely foolish idea that Jon Favreau might not be involved in the next Iron Man movie woke Marvel up and got them moving. She does say they made the offer “very recently” which makes it sound like it was done after all of this blew up. I really hope that’s what’s happening, because Favreau obviously wants to be back, and as good as Iron Man was it makes no sense not to have him back. Marvel Studios is off to early success, ditching Favreau is exactly the sort of thing that could screw them up.
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