Be A Member Of The Simpson Family

Mona Simpson in The Simpsons.
(Image credit: Fox)

Normally, I ignore lame viral marketing campaigns. Trust me, it’s not easy. My inbox is deluged daily with dozens of messages from marketing reps begging me to run some blurb on their latest lame widget or contest to promote whatever movie or product is currently the hot tamale. This once though, I’m going to bite because The Simpsons Movie is doing something mega-cool.

Ever wondered what you’d look like as a Simpsons character? Me either but suddenly the prospect of finding out seemed awesome. Burger King has partnered with The Simpsons Movie to create “The Simpsonizer”, a web widget which allows you to submit a photo of yourself which it analyzes and then turns turns into a damned good representation of what you’d look like as a character on “The Simpsons”. That’s mine to the right there. My wife tells me it’s eerily accurate.

The only catch is that you’ll need a really high-resolution photo, and one that meets specific parameters. It may take a little work to get a picture that works properly but trust me, it’s so worth the effort. Simpsonize yourself right now by clicking here.

Josh Tyler