Mike Myers Embraces His Love Guru

Mike Myers in The Love Guru
(Image credit: Paramount Pictures)

Apparently, Mike Myers really has a thing for Deepak Chopra. So much so, that he’s made an entire movie out of him. His next film will be something called The Love Guru, in which he plays a wacky new age spiritual advisor character. It’s a sure bet that Chopra had at least some influence on the character’s creation, because in an upcoming episode of the Sundance Channel’s Iconoclasts, Myers walks out on stage and dry humps Chopra.

I don’t have a problem with Chopra or the whole guru thing really. I mean, I think all this spiritual mumbo jumbo is a bunch of garbage, but there are worse things you could believe in. Deepak Chopra hasn’t started any inquisitions lately. If you’ve got to latch onto something, on the surface he seems pretty safe.

So here’s your chance to see Myers get all gooey over his new inspiration. The Sundance Channel has sent us a pair of clips from their upcoming Iconoclasts episode. See Mike Myers get all new agey, by clicking on the embed below to watch both clips:

Josh Tyler