Mike Myers: Spirit Guide

Mike Myers has pretty much dropped off the face of the Earth since the third, and most underwhelming Austin Powers sequel Goldmember. Remember, after Austin Powers 2 Myers was basically the biggest comedy star on the planet. Then he faded away and let Will Ferrell and Steve Carell take over. Since then aside from some cameos, mediocre voice work in Shrek, and an uncomfortable appearance next to Kanye West during his “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” tirade, his only real role has been as the Cat in the Hat. And we all know how well that went.

Well the NY Times says he’s poised to make a comeback, with a new comedic character called “Pitka”. Pitka is an Indian Guru relationship expert, and Paramount loves the scripts they’ve turned in so much that they’re talking about locking the whole thing up for sequels.

Even if Mike’s take on Deepak Chopra never makes it to the movies, Mike still has that Keith Moon biopic coming up, and there’s that pending adaptation of the hilarious nonfiction book “How to Survive a Robot Uprising” he’s attached to. For better or worse, it will be nice to have Mike back.

Josh Tyler