Miller’s Crossing Over

Gerard Butler in 300.
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

After the success of Sin City and the recent 300, it’s a Hollywood no-brainer to milk more of Frank Miller’s cash cows. But if anyone is going to pull on those utters, Miller hopes that it’s him, says British newspaper The Telegraph.

"This, I hope, will be the last property of mine that isn't directed by me," says Miller as he story boards himself storyboarding his next moving picture. "I was directing on Sin City, learning what I was doing, when they started making 300. I had input of course, but this is Zack Snyder's film. Zack clearly had such a strong focus on exactly where he wanted to take it, and I liked that. To put it really simply, I always wanted this to be like a story told by a soldier over a campfire."

Given Miller’s visually striking work, it will be interesting to see if as director, he's capable of focusing more on developing his story rather than slapping on layer upon layer of computer-generated scenery. Given the temperament of Hollywood studios who like known directors, Miller may be hard pressed to find a directing gig.