It's sad but true that we really do need a national holiday set aside to remind us of what we have to be thankful for, and it might be even more true when you write about movies for a living. Week after week we find ourselves complaining about the latest new crappy release, or looking forward to something only to have it disappoint us. Even when we write good reviews, there are lots of caveats and "despite this" phrases. We get into writing about movies because we love them, only to work in a job that requires us to write about them critically.
But in this week of giving thanks, we get to pause for a minute and remember all of the good that has come in this movie year, and all the good stuff we're still looking forward to. From breakout performances to laugh-out-loud comedies to badass action stars to beloved franchises coming to a fitting close, everyone here at CB Movies found plenty to look back and give thanks for. Below in no particular order, supplemented with the occasional links and photos and videos, are what we're thankful for here at CB Movies this year.
Also, you can read our TV Fan's Thanksgiving list here.
Ryan Gosling’s jacket in Drive.
The great Muppet comeback.
On Demand movies, since one-year-old twins don’t leave much time for theaters.
Non-Pixar Animation - Rango, Kung Fu Panda 2, Winnie The Pooh, Puss In Boots.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn and Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol coming out on same day (December 21).
8 minutes of The Dark Knight Rises also coming to IMAX on December 21. What a day!
Not to mention Two Spielberg Films, One Holiday Season.
The van full of puppies in Bridesmaids.
The dog actors in Beginners, The Artist, Hugo and 50/50.
The impending trailer for The Hobbit.
The British Invasion with Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
The Emma Stone/Ryan Gosling parts of Crazy Stupid Love.
Pixar guys going live action - Brad Bird (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol) and Andrew Stanton (John Carter).
Elizabeth Olsen as a breakout actress who seems genuinely great.
The ebullient musical number in Captain America.
No more Twilight commercials, but lots of Hunger Games promos to come.
Brad Pitt finally turning in a great leading man performance in Moneyball.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes and especially Andy Serkis.
The Drive soundtrack.
David O. Russell and Mark Wahlberg dropping out of the Uncharted movie.
Brian Selznick illustrations come to life in Hugo.
It’s A Wonderful Life (finally) goes Blu.
Woody Allen’s back in an Oscar race with Midnight in Paris.
At least one of the two Snow White movies looks good.
More Billy Crystal, Less Eddie Murphy.
Avengers anticipation.
Partly because, against all odds, Captain America AND Thor were pretty good.
The end of the world as imagined by Terrence Malick in The Tree of Life.
Two new Pixar Movies announced At D23, not to mention Monsters University.
The impending return of Cameron Crowe with We Bought A Zoo.
The Summer’s R-rated comedy explosion.
Michael Bay is (probably) done making Transformers movies.
Attack The Block and the introduction of John Boyega and Joe Cornish .
The McDonagh Brothers-- John Michael releases The Guard and Martin announces his next film Seven Psychopaths.
Hugh Jackman’s Cameo in X-Men: First Class.
Adam Sandler's Jack & Jill underperformed.
The Harry Potter franchise ending gracefully, and with its most beautifully shot film yet.
The Descendants is both the return of Alexander Payne and one of George Clooney's best performances.
Bryce Dallas Howard finally makes some good movies with The Help and 50/50.
The Lion King looked amazing in 3D (and finally got the Blu-ray treatment).
We won’t have to go two years without the Coens thanks to them announcing their next film, Inside Llewelyn Davis.