Movie Theaters Could Start Serving Cheetos Popcorn, Would Probably Make A Fortune

Visiting the concession stand at your local multiplex can be depressing. Not only is everything shockingly overpriced, but the choices are pretty ghastly too. From the stale nachos, with the glutinous blob of what we all only hope was, in a previous life, cheese, to vigorous hot dogs and small helpings of pre-packaged candy, there’s not much to choose from. Even eating popcorn has become tiresome. But all of that is set to change thanks to a bespectacled cheetah who is basically an anthropomorphised version of The Fonz.
That’s right, Chester Cheetah and the Cheetos gang are bringing out their very own flavor of popcorn to reinvigorate the taste buds of America. And they look grrreaaat. Oh, wait – that’s Frosties’ Tony the Tiger’s line. Either way, I’m sure he’d agree that his fellow member of the cat community’s efforts look rather splendid. USA Today reported that the latest addition to the snack food family was a massive hit when it debuted last week at CinemaCon.
Chester’s permanent smile and cool demeanour were on display at the Las Vegas-based theater owners convention as Frito-Lay’s army of salespeople handed out Cheetos Popcorn to the gathered masses. For all intents and purposes, it looks to have been a smash-hit at the gathering. Check out an image of Chester Cheetah stood next to his product below.
You can get a closer look at your soon-to-be new favorite movie theater food courtesy of Buzz Feed’s Adam Vary’s Twitter account, as he took an up close and personal shot of the product.
But those of you who are literally chomping at the bit to get your hands on the cheesy cinema delight still have quite a while to wait. Frito-Lay’s Alexia Allina made it clear that they are currently hard at work developing the snack, but those overseeing its evolution still have a few kinks to work out to the concoction. Allina explained:
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As a company, we’re always innovating and testing new product concepts to see what resonates best with our consumers. Cheetos Popcorn is still in the very early development stages.
Allina also made it known that more details will be released when Frito-Lay is ready to bring the product to market. Until then we’re all just going to continue to sneak chocolate and candy into movie theaters to satisfy our hunger.