Next Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer To Drop This Week

It looks like we’re just a few days away from another montage of Marvel madness with a new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer. In what is becoming a tradition with the ABC network (who happen to share an owner with Marvel in Disney), a new teaser for the upcoming team-up mega-movie will serve as the proverbial carrot that will be dangled in front of the heads of potential viewers when the trailer premieres in the middle of the new drama, American Crime. Here's a tease:
As you can see from this "trailer for the trailer," some new Avengers goodness is just a few days ahead on ABC on Thursday, March 5, at 10 pm EST /9 p.m. Central. As a fan, it's hard not to find yourself enticed by these quickie teasers, even though they display footage you have essentially already seen. It’s a time-tested, highly-effective marketing strategy. However, in its period of buildup, Age of Ultron has hardly been piecemeal in the way it deals with tease-inducing revelations, which could be an auspicious indicator as to just how packed full of goodness the film will actually turn out to be.
So, what could we possibly expect that we haven’t seen already? Well, the most prominent gap in the AOU hype has been the mystery surrounding Paul Bettany’s role as the ass-kicking android, Vision. Anyone familiar with The Avengers comic lore will tell you that he is about as A-list of a player as it comes in regards to the team. In fact, Bettany has implied that character will be a long-term investment. However, as of now, we’ve only seen pictures of Vision in various teasers and glanced at some of the action figure prototypes of the character that will undoubtedly flood the shelves of stores very soon. I think many-a-fan will gladly suffer through American Crime (just kidding, it looks like a fine show) if the ultimate payoff is even just a few short seconds of ACTUAL FOOTAGE showing Vision…doing stuff.
Additionally, the footage we’ve seen thus far of the film’s titular artificial intelligence-endowed asshat, Ultron, have basically been the same from the very first teaser. (Amazingly epic as it was.) This time, it would be nice to see just a little more revealing look at the Avengers’ signature nemesis with a slight oedipal chip on his metallic shoulder, voiced by the cool, calm, but extraordinarily evil voice of James Spader.
While it’s acknowledged fact that Tony Stark takes the place of Hank Pym/Ant-Man in the origin story’s "creation turns on creator" archetype that was central to Ultron’s character in the comic books, the possibility does remain that Ultron was created by Stark in the film using old Pym-developed technology. If we could get even a split-second scene acknowledging this, I’m convinced the Internet may break… in a good way, due to the immeasurable relief from fans that the traditional canon was preserved in SOME manner. And, dare we hope for a hint of Spider-Man? (Probably not.)
Avengers: Age of Ultron is set to make you care about American Crime when its new trailer hits on Thursday 10/9 central on ABC. The film will subsequently surely dominate all things box-office on May 1.
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