Next Summer's Marvel Movies Will Probably Be In 3D

Chris Hemsworth being very Thor-sy in Thor
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

Sure, Iron Man 2 probably could have made even more money if it had been converted into 3-D at the last minute, Clash of the Titans style, but wasn't it a relief that you didn't have to put on special glasses to watch Tony Stark dispense with Justin Hammer's evil drones? It may be a pleasure right now to step in the Marvel Universe in 2-D, but it probably won't last long-- talking to The LA Times, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige admitted they seriously considered converting Iron Man 2 into 3D, and it's almost a definite for the next few Avengers-related movies.

"The team has been doing a lot of research into 3-D processes, and we're looking at it on future films when we have the time," he told them. "We will be doing it at some point."

With Thor filming right now they'd have to do the 3-D in post-production, but Captain America and The Avengers itself seem like likely candidates for some serious 3-D camera technology. I suppose it was naive to think that the Marvel universe would survive without the 3-D craze, but man, it's disappointing to realize that, yes, every tentpole movie you want to see from now on will require funny glasses.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend