One NFL Superstar Loves Annoying Teammates By Constantly Quoting The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride is regarded as one of the most quotable films of the 1980s. William Goldman’s script is packed to the brim with supremely witty lines, each of which were fabulously delivered by the movie’s hugely talented cast. And it turns out that one of the movie's most famous fans is the Green Bay Packers’ quarterback Aaron Rodgers. It’s just a pity that none of his teammates have also seen the film.
Aaron Rodgers has been in strong form for the Green Bay Packers since the start of the 2014/2015 NFL season. According to the Wall Street Journal, Aaron Rodgers has recorded a 38-to-5 touchdown-to-interception ratio over the last few months - and it turns out that Aaron Rodgers loves nothing more than to celebrate his achievements by making jokes that his younger teammates actually don’t get. The 31-year-old Aaron Rodgers clearly grew up watching the 1987 romantic comedy on a regular basis because he constantly quotes the film to his 20-something teammates, most of whom haven’t even heard of The Princess Bride.
Aaron Rodgers even revealed his favorite line from Rob Reiner’s seminal genre-blending classic, and it comes courtesy of Wallace Shawn’s Vizzini, the self-anointed criminal mastermind/the employer of Mandy Patinkin’s iconic Inigo Montoya. Aaron Rodgers’ favorite Princess Bride quote is, "Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates? Morons." Unfortunately Aaron Rodgers admitted that his Green Bay Packers teammates "probably don’t get the reference."
And while it’s safe to assume that Aaron Rodgers’ delivery of this line is stellar, it’s also the perfect opportunity to remind the world of the original utterance of the quote. God bless Wallace Shawn.
Of course, this is just one of dozens upon dozens of lines from The Princess Bride that has sauntered its way into pop culture history. Most of the other standout quotes come from the mouth of Indigo Montoya, including the immortal:
Sublime. Simply sublime. The Princess Bride has developed a ravenous cult following since it was originally released in September 1987, but it was only a modest success when it first hit cinemas, grossing $30.8 million on a $16 million budget. However, critics were unanimous in their praise of the romantic comedy fantasy adventure, and this has only grown exponentially over the years. At this point the movie is now regarded as arguably one of the best film of the 1980s. Maybe instead of just quoting the flick to his teammates, Aaron Rodgers should organize a group screening.
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