Operation Kino 112: The Searchers, The Simpsons, Mud And Terrible Marvel Music

This week we're highlighting a conversation that Patches had with Glenn Frankel, author of the remarkable new book The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend. We also ponder why Marvel movies have such terrible scores, try to figure out our mild disappointment with Jeff Nichols' Mud, and figure out how on earth Katey never particularly got into The Simpsons. All that plus a lightning round inspired by the panic attacks in Iron Man 3.

Take a listen below and find your downloading options; for more from all of us, you can follow the show (@opkino), Da7e (@da7e), David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner), Patches (@misterpatches) and Katey (@kateyrich) on Twitter.

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00:00-00:38 Lightning Round

2:03 - 11:25 Da7e's tidbit: Jeff Nichols' Mud

11:36 - 18:44 Patches' tidbit: The Simpsons-- can you pick a favorite episode?

18:51 - 25:40 Why do Marvel movies have such terrible scores?

26:00 - 51:29 An interview with Glenn Frankel, author of The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend

51:35 - 53:49 Goodbye!

And if you like what you're hearing, don't forget to review us on iTunes!