Oscar Winners 2013: Full List Of Academy Award Results

The biggest night in Hollywood is over, and now we've got another year in movies remembered with a whole bunch of big gold trophies. Argo was the big winner of the night, taking home Best Picture in addition to Best Adapted Screenplay and Film Editing, but there were plenty of statues to go around.
Ang Lee won Best Director for Life of Pi, which won three other statues, including Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects. Daniel Day-Lewis took home Best Actor for Lincoln, which also won Best Production Design, while Jennifer Lawrence was the sole winner from Silver Linings Playbook by taking home Best Actress. Anne Hathaway won the big Best Supporting Actress prize for Les Miserables, which also took Best Sound Mixing, and Christoph Waltz and Quentin Tarantino were both big winners from Django Unchained, for Best Supporting Actor and Best Original Screenplay, respectively.
Check out the full list of tonight's Oscar winners below...
2013 Oscar WinnersWinners are highlighted in red.BEST PICTURE AmourArgoBeasts of the Southern WildDjango UnchainedLincolnLes MiserablesLife of PiSilver Linings PlaybookZero Dark ThirtyBEST DIRECTOR Ang Lee, Life of PiBenh Zeitlin, Beasts of the Southern WildDavid O. Russell, Silver Linings PlaybookMichael Haneke, AmourSteven Spielberg, LincolnBEST ACTOR Daniel Day-Lewis, LincolnDenzel Washington, FlightHugh Jackman, Les MiserablesBradley Cooper, Silver Linings PlaybookJoaquin Phoenix, The MasterBEST ACTRESS Naomi Watts, The ImpossibleJessica Chastain, Zero Dark ThirtyJennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings PlaybookEmmanuelle Riva, AmourQuvenzhané Wallis, Beasts of the Southern WildBEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Christoph Waltz, Django UnchainedPhilip Seymour Hoffman, The MasterRobert De Niro, Silver Linings PlaybookAlan Arkin, ArgoTommy Lee Jones, LincolnBEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Sally Field, LincolnAnne Hathaway, Les MiserablesJacki Weaver, Silver Linings PlaybookHelen Hunt, The SessionsAmy Adams, The MasterADAPTED SCREENPLAY ArgoBeasts of the Southern WildLife of PiLincolnSilver Linings PlaybookORIGINAL SCREENPLAY AmourDjango UnchainedFlightMoonrise KingdomZero Dark ThirtyANIMATED FEATURE BraveFrankenweenieParaNormanThe Pirates! Band of MisfitsWreck-It RalphFOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM AmourKon-TikiNoA Royal AffairWar WitchDOCUMENTARY FEATURE 5 Broken CamerasThe GatekeepersThe Invisible WarHow To Survive A PlagueSearching for Sugar ManCINEMATOGRAPHY Anna KareninaDjango UnchainedLife of PiLincolnSkyfallCOSTUME DESIGN Anna KareninaLes MiserablesLincolnMirror MirrorSnow White and the HuntsmanFILM EDITING ArgoLife of PiLincolnSilver Linings PlaybookZero Dark ThirtyMAKEUP AND HAIRSTYLING HitchcockThe Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyLes MiserablesPRODUCTION DESIGN Anna KareninaThe Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyLes MiserablesLife of PiLincolnORIGINAL SCORE Anna KareninaArgoLife of PiLincolnSkyfallORIGINAL SONG "Before My Time," Chasing Ice"Everybody Needs A Best Friend," Ted"Pi's Lullaby," Life of Pi"Skyfall," Skyfall"Suddenly," Les MiserablesSOUND EDITING ArgoDjango UnchainedLife of PiSkyfall(Tie)Zero Dark Thirty(Tie)SOUND MIXING ArgoLes MiserablesLife of PiLincolnSkyfallVISUAL EFFECTS The Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyLife of PiThe AvengersPrometheusSnow White and the HuntsmanANIMATED SHORT Adam and DogFresh GuacamoleHead Over HeelsMaggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"PapermanLIVE ACTION SHORT AsadBuzkashi BoysCurfewDeath of a ShadowHenryDOCUMENTARY SHORT InocenteKings PointOpen HeartRedemptionMondays at Racine
Below you can relive the highlights of our Oscar liveblog!
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