Ozymandias Casting Upset

Matthew Goode as Ozymandias in Watchmen
(Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures)

Comic-con is just a few days away and with it fans are expecting a ton of news on some of their favorite upcoming movies. Some movies are having their news broken before then, though, although it won’t be until the actual convention that we get total confirmation on this news.

Watchmen probably has the most anticipated news for the con, although it’s also the news that is being cracked the most. IESB claims to have confirmation on previous casting rumors, including Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhattan, Patrick Wilson as The Night Owl, and Malin Ackerman as Silk Spectre. They also have a new entry on their list: Ozymandias, king of kings.

The role was previously considered a shoe-in for Jude Law, but IESB says that’s not the case. Instead they claim an inside source says Matthew Goode will be taking on the mantle of Ozymandias. The actor caught Cinema Blend’s eye earlier this year in the astounding film The Lookout, but I can’t imagine him as Ozymandias. His on screen roles thus far have been grittier than the Watchmen role demands, lacking the polished insincerity of Jude Law.

It’s almost certain Zack Snyder will be making a Watchmen presentation at Comic-con and the expectation is that some of this casting will be confirmed at that time. Until then, this is just as likely a rumor as anything else.