Punisher: War Zone Casting

Punisher: War Zone
(Image credit: Lionsgate)

Sequels to movies nobody ever watched or silly remakes of movies everyone already watches. These are soon going to be the only two genres in mainstream cinema. It certainly seems to be the only movies wiping their feet at the doors of CB Towers this week. Someone call security.

Punisher: War Zone falls in to the former category. And in true crappy-and-knows-it sequel style the quality of actor attracted to the project has slipped from the A-list to somewhere around P. If you were ever thinking of parting with ten bucks to see this at the cinema, please for the love of humanity think again.

Rome star Ray Stevenson has been hired to take over the lead role of Frank Castle. Meanwhile only-in-Hollywood-named Dash Mihok and British character actor Colin Salmon are on board as two guys out to hunt down Frank Castle. One chose to be in Firehouse Dog and the chose to be in Alien vs Predator. Let's leave it at that.

The biggest name the movie has managed to attract is Doug Hutchison, who you probably also think you've never heard of. However, Doug did do an excellent job portraying slimey asshole warden Percy in The Green Mile.

This movie increasingly has DTV written all over it. With a little luck, that's exactly where it will end up. Even Marvel's miguided not-a-sequel-honest-but-really-it-is The Incredible Hulk has managed to attract some form of credible Hollywood talent.