Christopher Nolan doesn't do a whole lot of press, generally preferring to let his movies speak for himself. And in all the time he's been asked over the years if he'll continue making Batman movies after The Dark Knight Rises, he's been adamant in saying no, leading a lot of us to believe he was a little sick of telling stories about a guy who dresses up as a giant bat. But while he refuses to get sentimental about the franchise in the press, he allowed himself to do it in the foreword of The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, the tie-in book that hit shelves on July 20 alongside the new movie. A user at the Superhero Hype forums was kind enough to type up the entire message, and you can read it in its entirety below:
The writing here is so crisp and intelligent that you almost want Nolan to start writing movie reviews, or essays, or at least have more of a presence online so we can pick his brain more often. It's excellent to see a filmmaker acknowledge how much a certain story has meant to them, in such a calm and professional way as Nolan does here. And it's nice to get a glimpse into Nolan's current relationship with Batman-- sure, he's clearly ready to move on to other things, but he's obviously got an affection for the superhero who helped his career hit the stratosphere.