Red-Band Trailer For Grace

I'm not a horror person by nature, but this new red-band trailer for Grace is too much even beyond what I can usually handle. An indie horror movie about a woman who gives birth to a stillborn child that somehow comes back to life, it seems both scary on a movie level and icky and insensitive toward women who actually suffer miscarriages. Is the movie itself like that? Who knows. But the very concept of the whole thing just makes me feel gross.

But please, check out the trailer below for yourself (originally found at BeyondHollywood), and if you have a stronger stomach than mine you might find yourself interested in this one. Starring Cabin Fever's Jordan Ladd and directed by Paul Solet, the movie seems to have a style and a vision of its own. Whether that's a vision you want anything to do with is for you to decide.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend