Ryan Reynolds Could Have Been Captain Marvel

Berg in Two Guys , a Girl and a Pizza Place
(Image credit: Hulu)

Ryan Reynolds is setting himself up to be for superhero movies what Will Ferrell is for sports movies. Earlier this year, he turned in a pretty decent performance as Deadpool which will eventually turn into its own series. Next he’s signed up to play Green Lantern. For the sake of this argument, I’m also going to count Van Wilder as a superhero character because that dude is just plain awesome. That's three, and it could have been four.

It turns out that writer Bill Birch also thought Reynolds would make a great Captain Marvel. Segal is currently working on a script for Shazam, the film adventures of Captain Marvel. Talking to CineFOOLS, Birch stated: “I always thought Ryan Reynolds would have been interesting but now that he’s Green Lantern that’s not an option.” Captain Marvel, as some may remember, is the alter ego of Billy Batson, a kid who turns into an adult superhero whenever he says the word “Shazam.”

While I’m sure this would have been interesting to see, it doesn’t surpass my excitement for seeing Reynolds as Green Lantern. Reynolds is a talented and likable actor who doesn’t get enough quality work. He deserves the chance at playing a higher profile superhero than Captain Marvel. No offense to Capt. Marvel fans, Reynolds just deserves better than a second rate Superman.