Scoop: Scott Porter Is JLA's Superman!

It looks like the dam is about to burst on the casting of Warner Bros. Justice League of America movie. It’s just unfortunate that it had to happen late at night on a weekend, when I’m full of Scotch and in no mood to talk about which Hollywood actor will be abusing his crotch with tights next.
Anyway, here’s the skinny. Tonight we got an email from a guy claiming to be in the know with what’s going on in the JLA camp. He asked to remain anonymous, but he says he knows at least part of who is playing who. Normally I’d just delete such an email out of hand, after all we’re all sick of fake JLA rumors by now, but some of what he said confirmed heretofore unknown production tidbits I’d already heard from others, and then about an hour after he sent the email to me, another site posted a story confirming at least part of his casting rumor… yet they appear to have gotten their info from a completely different source, since their cast list doesn’t contain the real gem of the bunch… Superman.
So here’s the deal. Our source says Warner Brothers is set to announce the completed JLA cast next week, and Scott Porter (that’s him to your right) has been hired to play Superman. If you’ve noticed Porter at all before now, it’s probably as a regular on the TV series Friday Night Lights. He also had a fairly significant part in Music & Lyrics, and he’s just finished filming on Speed Racer as the brother of Racer X, Rex Racer.
He’s 29, from Omaha Nebraska, and about as all-American looking as a guy can get. I guess that’s what you want in a Superman, isn’t it? Now can the guy act? Wait, this is JLA. Who cares. Can the guy convincingly carry the Statue of Liberty over his head? That’s all that matters.
In addition to Porter, our source says Common is now signed to play John Stewart/Green Lantern. Adam Brody has been added to the cast, probably as The Flash. Teresa Palmer is on board but not as Wonder Woman. Other sources suggest she’s playing the daughter of Batman villain Ra’s al Ghul, Talia Ghul. Last, Michael Gough may make an appearance as Alfred, after being kicked out of the part by Michael Caine in Chris Nolan’s Begins movie.
So that’s the latest, and we've been able to confirm a lot of it with several different methods. Maybe this time we have a JLA cast rumor which is reliable. Everyone seems to agree WB will make an official announcement next week, so we won’t have long to wait for the final, full, cast list. We still don’t know who’s landed major parts like Wonder Woman or The Martian Manhunter.
Clint over at Moviehole was able to check with one of his WB sources regarding the Scott Porter rumor. His source told him this: "‘He’s been under consideration for a “role” – but not for anyone in particular. Everyone came in and simply read – they didn’t come in to read for Superman or Batman or whoever. And the rumor was that Miller thought he might make a good Aquaman and Superman, so he was probably short-listed for both. I don’t know that he ended up getting either role though. I can’t be sure, but I don’t think so. If he doesn’t, he was definitely a contender though. Miller is making his casting decisions this weekend, and it’s very close, but I guess you’ll find out next week sometime? I can’t confirm any of the other names."
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So it looks like Porter has definitely been in the mix. We'll have to wait for official confirmation on where he ended up.