Sin City 2 and 3

Are you ready to visit Sin City again? Are you tough enough to survive it three times? Rumors are circulating that studio executives were quite happy with the cinematic telling of Frank Miller’s classic graphic novels. In fact, they are confident enough to green light two sequels to be filmed back-to-back! reports that Robert Rodriquez plans to begin filming Sin City 2 and Sin City 3 next February. No word on when the films would be released but I would expect the first movie in theatres probably in Spring of 2007. Of course, they could wait until summer but I doubt it. Filming both movies simulataneously leads me to believe that 2007 will be twice as sinful!

In other Robert Rodriquez news, a film called Conan is apparently also in the cards for Tarantino's horror buddy. Rodriquez is attached to a Warner Brothers project called Conan, according to Earlier this week, I brought you news that John Milius's project, Conan: Crown of Iron was put on hold. Does this mean Rodriquez wants a shot at it? As of now, we're unsure if these projects are one in the same. We'll keep you posted!