Some Madman Edited The Wizard Of Oz To Be In Alphabetical Order, And I Can’t Look Away

Sometimes you have to just sit back and appreciate the internet in all of its ludicrous glory. Sure, there will be some of you that think the decision by a deranged editor to slice together all of the dialogue from The Wizard Of Oz in alphabetical order is a giant waste of time, when it actually it should be celebrated for being so hugely superfluous but still finding an audience on the world wide web. The result is also oddly hypnotic. Especially when it gets to actual words. See how far you can get through it below.
I mean, I’m not sure what to say. Am I impressed by this video? Indubitably. Amazed? You betcha. Kind of scared? More than I probably should be.
What’s even more worrying is that after watching the above clip for a longer spell than I feel comfortable to admit, it sort of began to make sense. The clouds parted and I could suddenly understand why madman Matt Bucy decided to alphabetize this classic of cinema. It’s like watching a children’s book on a bad acid trip, but with all of the splendour and glory of a classic Hollywood production.
Those of you that are looking for a particular highlight to the above video without having to be subjected to watching the gloriously perverted version of The Wizard Of Oz in its full running time should head straight to the 28 minute and two seconds mark for "follow." Or if you’re looking to be instantly heartbroken shimmy on up just 50 seconds later to hear Judy Garland uttering the word "frightened" repeatedly.
We still have no reasonable explanation for why Matt Bucy ultimately decided to edit The Wizard Of Oz in this fashion. Or how he did it. I mean, did he meticulously pair up each use of these words then figure out the alphabetical order? Or did he receive help from some kind of software? Either way you can’t help but be impressed with how many times he must have watched the movie in order to complete this task.
Now all someone needs to do is to somehow match it up with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon. It’s long been reported that you can synchronize the seminal 1973 album with the 1939 cinematic classic, and that the music perfectly matches up with the image. Those who created the album insist it is purely coincidental, but it’s still glorious to see unfold.
Somehow, Matt Bucy’s version of The Wizard Of Oz even outdoes the eccentricity of the Pink Floyd mash-up, which is an achievement that proves it was all worthwhile.
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