Stallone Making More Action Movies

Rambo has re-energized Sly Stallone, who is heading back into the action genre full-time, with both guns blazing. HR say he’s just signed a deal with the folks at Nu Image and Millenium Films, the people who helped him make his new Rambo movie, to direct and star in two more action films.

If you’re the subscriber to our RSS feed that you should be, you’ve probably already assumed those two movies will have nothing to do with Rambo, since it was only three days ago that Sylvester came out and said here of Rambo 5: “This is the last Rambo” and “I can't go any further. It was a miracle that it even got done.” Well he may have been lying.

One day after Stallone made that statement, Reuters quoted him as saying that he hoped to make another Rambo movie and that Rambo 5 would “depend on the success of this one, but right now I think I'm gearing one up. It will be quite different.”

Confusing. It’s also somewhat unclear from HR’s story whether the two-picture deal and Nu Image is for two more Rambo movies, or just two more action movies in general. They do say several different scripts are being considered as sequel fodder for both another Rambo movie and another Rocky movie, but they don’t say whether they’re implying that those scripts are the sequels in question or whether they just tacked them onto the end of their article on Sly’s new action movie deal to get fanboys excited about more Rambo for no reason.

Everything anyone is writing on the subject seems crafted to be intentionally vague. So here’s what we know, in the least vague way I can say it: Stallone is making two more action movies, which he assures us will all at once absolutely and absolutely not be Rambo movies. I’m looking forward to seeing more of… whatever it is Stallone is doing these days and wish him the best of luck… on all of that stuff.

Josh Tyler