Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer Looks Much Cooler In Neon

Have you ever wondered what the celebrated trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens would look like if it was put through a magic machine that transformed it into something seen gracing the side of a seedy hotel at night in the middle of 1980’s Miami? Me too! Thankfully, those of us with such eccentrically specific curiosities will have to wonder no longer. Check out this amazing redux of the trailer done completely in animated neon sprites!
We’ve seen it done in LEGO, witnessed its recreation in Grand Theft Auto V and even enjoyed the cheesy goodness as it was charmingly sweded. However, a digital animator going by the username, Neonardo, whose gif gallery is an absolute experience, would create this spectacular homage to the original reel, rejuvenated with pastel-pieced glowy-goodness. While the aphorism, "may The Force be with you" was seemingly replaced with "eat at Joe’s," it is certainly not lacking any of the awesomeness that we witnessed in the original trailer. (Presented here for your comparative analysis.)
It’s an amazing rendition, which, hopefully won’t cause too much of an uproar on social media, since it’s quite apparent that the piece begins with a Stormtrooper whose skin happens to be a different color than what some fans were expecting…red! All the other notable scenes are here with full neon-ized treatments of ball-rolling BB-8, the all-new Stormtroopers getting ready to do something surely-unscrupulous, Daisy Ridley’s speed-bike-straddling character, "Rey," Oscar Isaac’s X-Wing pilot, "Poe Dameron" and the unmistakable fantasy ride of multiple generations of adolescents looking to grow up and be roguish "scruffy looking nerf-herders," The Millennium Falcon.
Also, last, but certainly not least, the mysterious dark warrior whose loyalties and motivations remain unknown, "Kylo Ren" (presumably played by Adam Driver) and his weirdly not-at-all ergonomic lightsaber.
They’re all here, wonderfully reproduced with the kind if kitsch that makes you want to sip martinis and contemplate the fashion choice of a baggy white leisure suit. Yes, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll start to seriously ask yourself if you miss Abrams-esque lens flare.
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens will arrive at theaters on December 18, in fully-rendered form, faster than the Falcon can calculate the jump to light speed while Imperial Star Destroyers succeed in not hitting it at nearly point blank range.
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