Start Dates For Pre-Strike Movies

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

I know, I know, you’re sick of strike talk. I’m sorry. Here we go again. CS has dug up another updated version of their pre-strike movie list. Not long ago they had another one, detailing the long litany of movies Hollywood is planning to produce as quickly is possible before the studio’s actors can all go on strike, presumably on June 30. The major studios are like squirrels hiding nuts for the winter, only the nuts have names like Night at the Museum 2 and GI Joe.

The exciting thing about the list to me, is that it lists actual start dates for some of these movies. There are a lot of titles on that list which could end up not happening, but if a movie has a production start date, then it’s definitely been greenlit and you’ll almost certainly see it some time soon.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the most interesting ones. Those with start dates have them listed in parentheses:

Bond 22 (Jan 7): Looks like 007 will make it in before the strike.

Hannah Montana: Yep, the kiddie star is getting her own movie. No start date listed for this one, so for I’m going to hang on to the hope that someone will stop her.

Ghost Town (Nov): Is this the movie Harry Knowles was once producing? I thought that was dead. I guess it got moving once he was no longer involved. Maybe it has something to do with him being shaped like a doorstop.

Night at the Museum 2 (Mar 8): I know we’d heard this was getting a sequel, but somehow I didn’t believe it would ever actually happen. Well here it is.

Wolverine (Nov): If you see Hugh Jackman and his hair looks weird, this is why.

Magneto (Jan 1): Now Wolverine is no surprise, we knew that was coming. But we haven’t heard much about Magneto in awhile. Apparently it’s a go.

BFF (Mar): Oh god, I hope that title doesn’t mean what I think it means.

The Thomas Crown Affair 2 (Feb): Glad to see this one is finally getting done. More Brosnan!

GI Joe (Feb) Looks like Joe is go.

Star Trek 07 (Nov): If they’re shooting next month, hopefully this means we’ll find out who Captain Kirk is soon. I’m sick of guessing.

Untitled Wayans Brothers: The horror.

Justice League (Feb 11): Now if only they had a cast.

Josh Tyler