Strike Watch Week 2

The protest scene in Hairspray.
(Image credit: New Line Cinema)

Funny thing about the big strike going on in Hollywood… nobody seems to care. Oh the writers care and the industry cares, but I get the general impression that they thought their customers would care too, and they don’t. Housewives aren’t exactly marching in the streets picking sides. Heck, nobody’s even reading our coverage of it. Any time we run a strike story, it’s a sure bet that it’ll be the least read story on the site that day. Nobody cares. Maybe they’ll start to care three or four months from now when there’s nothing to watch on TV or a year from now when there’s nothing playing in theaters, but right now nobody cares.

Since we work for all of you, we’re not going to waste a lot more of your time with strike coverage. Instead, until the thing ends or the writers start using car bombs, we’re going to limit most of the more minor stuff to these occasional (whenever we feel like it) Strike Watches. So that when you do care, the info you need will be there. And if you don’t, well it’s only one story and you can skip right over it and go on to the next story, probably something about someone remaking something. You’ll love that one.

So here’s what’s been happening in the world of the WGA strike over the past few days:

Hollywood May Import Scabs

I’m surprised they haven’t done this already. Apparently studios are considering bringing in writing talent from the UK, to replace the writers marching in front of their gates. British writers are not part of the Writer’s Guild, and as such are not on strike. It’s good to be Ricky Gervais.

Another Update On Which Movies Are Affected By Strike

Bond 22, Angels & Demons, JLA, and Terminator 4 may be in trouble if the strike goes on too long. GI Joe and Transformers 2 are ready to go, but may face problems anyway. Wolverine and Day the Earth Stood Still are getting made, consequences be damned.

Hollywood’s Soon To Be Unemployed Little People Strike Back

A fictional letter from a studio exec’s assistant about to be unemployed by the strike to a writer who is out on the picket lines. It really sucks to be an assistant.

Stagehands Striking on Broadway

Rich socialites may soon have to turn to television for entertainment… whoops no. I guess it’s a good time to go to the symphony.

WGA Calls Ellen Degeneres A Scab

Apparently the strike has now extended to non writing activities, like talking to celebrity guests. If we’re lucky, it’ll also soon extend to breathing.

Writer Whines About Lack Of Mainstream Media Coverage For Strike

Mainstream entertainment media to respond by whining about the lack of entertainment news items that people actually care about to cover.

Josh Tyler