Sub-Par Sub-Mariner

Variety is reporting that Universal Studios is actively recruiting Christopher Columbus to helm yet another one of those “why do we care” Marvel comic adaptations. This time it’s Sub-Mariner, also known as Namor, also known as not-Aquaman, also known as that fishy guy.

Namor is an underwater prince, a guy who rules his underwater city with a heavy underwater fist. In some video games, he can also shoot lightning from his fingertips… which seems like kind of a risky and useless power to have when you’re underwater all the time.

Christopher Columbus is a box office prince, the guy who helmed the first two Harry Potter movies to mediocrity and has since been shown up by a Mexican famous for making soft core pornography. Columbus also directed culturally relevant and frequently mocked comedies like Home Alone and Nine Months.

Sub-Mariner’s movie is due out in 2006, assuming it isn’t swallowed and eaten by good, common, fish-sense.

Blend News Network

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