Superman Returns To The Internet

Exciting news for those of you excited by official website launches.

The official website for Superman Returns has launched, replete with the usual high value content of any website launched 8 months before the movie hits, that is to say; not much. A synopsis, links to Bryan's video journals, AIM avatars and pictures, including a wallpaper of Bryan Singer in a cornfield, should you like that kind of thing and a Fortress of Solitude that I'm assured is just in need of spring cleaning but looks a lot like the most fake styrofoam set since the days of Star Trek. I'm sure it looks better in the movie.

Anyway, the mighty WB has announced that the TEASER TRAILER for Superman Returns which isn't on the site yet, will premiere in front of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire next week. Whether or not it smuggles it's way online before then remains to be seen.

So, visit the official Superman Returns site here.

Alternatively head over to head-honcho Josh Tyler's most excellent Preview Page for some sexay pictures (of the movie, not Josh!)