The Third Mother Cut Short

Dario Argento interviewed for All the Colors of Giallo
(Image credit: Severin)

For the past three years, when October rolled around, sub-par horror movie cash-ins led by the Saw series swarmed the theaters. This year could be different, at least for those in Italy. Apparently, the Italian release of horror maestro Dario Argento's latest endeavor, The Third Mother, has been delayed until October 31, says Twitch.

The Third Mother is the finale in the "three mothers" trilogy, which began with the classic Suspiria and continued in Inferno. Rumor has it that the film's release was delayed due to its excessively violent content. According to The Profondo Rosso Store, which Babel Fish poorly translates from Italian to English, the film will be cut for its theatrical release, but the cut footage will be in the DVD.

Odds are that if we see an American theatrical release, it will be limited at best, but here's hoping that the DVD (I'm talking to you Anchor Bay or Blue Underground) will be in our players before the end of the year.

Argento was once the pinnacle of gallio horror films and was praised as the Italian Hitchcock, but he fell from grace after 1987's Opera. By finishing the trilogy that launched him into the horror genre spotlight, Argento is positioned to remind us what the horror genre has been missing for the past twenty years, or go out in a blaze of The Card Player-esque infamy. Until then, there's more than enough time to get acquainted with Argento if you haven't experienced his films. Suspiria, Deep Red, Phenomena, Tenebre and Opera are the essentials.