Thomas Jayne Talks Mutants

Thomas Jane in The Mist
(Image credit: Dimension Films)

The guys over at FilmStalker have picked up an interview from UK IGN in which Thomas Jane talks about his new movie The Mutant Chronicles.

Early descriptions of the film didn’t sound very promising. The Mutant Chronicles is based on a lame sounding role playing game about a dystopic future in which the human race has dwindled and finds itself under attack by a bunch of creatures called "NecroMutants". At the time I believe pointed out that this is also the plot of most of the non-Pokemon anime imports currently running in place of real cartoons on Saturday mornings. But the way Thomas Jane talks about it, he makes it sound more unique.

The movie has already been shot and Jane says, “We shot that one over the summer in the Isle of Man and we had a lot of fun," he says. "It's a really interesting film, me and Ron Perlman, and I was very impressed by the quality of the production we did. It's going to be in post for another 15 months. It doesn't come out until the summer of 2008.” Alright that’s the when, but why should we see it? Steampunks.

Apparently it’s set in a future where Al Gore’s predictions have come true. “It's a steampunk kind of a world… What's happened is we've kind of gone full circle. This is several hundred years in the future, and we've exhausted our natural resources, so we're back to steam power. Of course, it's very sophisticated steam power, with ships and all sorts of guns and just about everything, but it's all steam power. But that gives it a sort of post-apocalyptic, Victorian, black smoke, coal kind of feel to everything, which is really unique and beautiful.” Ok, now that sounds really cool.

He continues, “There are no more countries, just four corporations and they're constantly at war. And being an employee of a corporation means that you're basically a soldier, and the whole world is torn apart. During this war, nothing is sacred anymore -- they don't care if it's a church or what, they'll bomb the f**k out of anything. And they end up bombing Stonehenge, revealing that underneath there is an ancient seal. That seal gets cracked, and that was protecting something that is unleashed, and then we have real big problems. The ancient Druids had originally sealed it up, so we call on this order of monks to try to re-seal this evil that has gotten back in the world. So it's a mission movie, it's got creatures -- mutants! It's fun.”

Mutants are fun Thomas, and maybe this will be too. Or maybe it will be Reign of Fire. As long as it isn’t Punisher.

Josh Tyler