Trailer Trash Special Edition
We’ve gotten a little lax on our movie trailer coverage this past week, so I’m going to take care of the problem the easy way… with a Trailer Trash: Special Edition Link Blowout! Long name, simple concept. Trailers exist for movies coming soon. We know where they are and we tell you. Wherever possible, we’ll give you a high resolution direct link. Enjoy.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Movie Release Date: November 17, 2005
RIGHT CLICK and “SAVE AS” to download the new Goblet of Fire trailer!
I love how they start this thing off with a look at the kids as they’ve aged through the past three films. For me, that’s one of the best, most unique things about this series, being able to watch the kids grow up with their character. That makes all the rumors that they may be forced to recast somewhere along the way all the more disconcerting. At least this trailer is a sign that Warner Bros. gets how important it is to keep these same actors in the role. Now they’ve just got to keep the little brats happy.
The Chornicles of Narnia
Movie Release Date: December 9, 2005
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RIGHT CLICK and “SAVE AS” to download the new Narnia trailer!
Well, I hate to say it, but this looks a little cheap. It’s like a slightly lower budget of Lord of the Rings, with all the key roles cast as kids. Were those Pomeranians running in front of the army?? Look, I really liked these books when I was younger, and I guess I still do. But it is clear that Disney is definitely shooting for the younger, Harry Potter loving audience with this one. As it should be I suppose. Lord of the Rings was a much more mature set of novels while Narnia really is a wonderful set of children’s books, right on par with the Potter series. It looks good, though I’m not sure it’s really all that snazzier looking than the old BBC TV series.
Mr. & Mrs Smith
Movie Release Date: June 10, 2005
RIGHT CLICK and “SAVE AS” to download the new Mr. & Mrs. Smith trailer!
The movie looks like a fantastic amount of fun, but is there any way we can convince the trailer gods to stop using this announcer? He’s so cheesy and out of place. It’s jarring. Without his voice, I think there’s a pretty good trailer in there somewhere. Heck, even with it at least there’s a shot of Angelina Jolie in kinky leather. You can’t really screw that up. Still, I’m not sure I like this one as much as some of the older Mr. & Mrs. Smith trailers. They could have, and have done better.
Land of the Dead
Movie Release Date: June 24, 2005
RIGHT CLICK and “SAVE AS” to download the new Land of the Dead trailer!
If you love Zombies, then you’re a pretty twisted and disturbed individual. Please don’t kill me in my sleep. Also, you probably really really like George Romero. Well, he’s back with another skinny dip in the Zombie genre he created, and the corpses are hungrier than ever. The trailer spends a lot of time listing Romero’s credentials, irrelevant since anyone who cares about his credentials already knows him and knows what they are. Regardless, the trailer has Dennis Hopper on the verge of pissing his pants, and that’s a good thing.
This week’s trailers courtesy of Apple Movie Trailers and AOL.